Guillaume POULIOT (University of Chicago) – “Placebo Tests Done Right “
Econometrics Seminar
Time: 14:00 pm – 15:30 pm
Date: 30th of September
Room : 1003
Guillaume POULIOT (University of Chicago) – “Placebo Tests Done Right”
Abstract :
“In order to assess the significance of a regressor, applied regression analysts sometimes rerun their regression replacing the regressor of interest with a randomly perturbed –often permuted– version which is expected to be insignificant, i.e., a placebo. While these procedures are often heuristic in their justification, p-values are often reported. We argue that the common interpretation of such placebo tests – for observational data– as Fisher test –designed for experimental data– is misleading, and that many such placebo tests and p-values are in fact invalid. In particular, we argue that almost all such tests for multivariate linear regression are invalid. A unified treatment of randomization inference and Fisher tests suggests more robust interpretations and designs of such placebo procedures, and allows to handle the multivariate linear regression case”
Xavier D’HAULTFOEUILLE (Pôle économie du CREST)