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Pauline CARRY (CREST ) “t.b.a”

The Macroeconomics Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 12th of December 2022 Room 3001 Pauline CARRY (CREST ) "t.b.a" Abstract : Organizers: F. Malherbet  (CREST) Sponsors: CREST

Alex CLYMO (University of Essex) “Equilibrium Job Turnover and the Business Cycle”

The Macroeconomics Seminar: Time:12.15 - 13.30 Date: 19th of December 2022 Zoom Alex CLYMO (University of Essex) "Equilibrium Job Turnover and the Business Cycle" Abstract : This paper develops and estimates a new equilibrium theory of unemployment, firm dynamics and on-the job search over the business cycle. We investigate two seemingly unexplored facts. Firm job […]

Andrea Canidio (IMT school of advanced studies, Lucca, Italy) “Auctions with Tokens”

The Macroeconomics Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 03th of January 2023 Zoom Andrea Canidio (IMT school of advanced studies, Lucca, Italy) Title : "Auctions with Tokens" Abstract : "In a repeated, private-value auction, the auctioneer accepts payments in a blockchain-based token he creates and initially owns.  I show that the present-discounted value […]

Suzanne Bellue (University of Mannheim) “Why Don’t Poor Families Move? A Spatial Equilibrium Anaylsis of Parental Decisions with Social Learning”

The Macroeconomics Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 17th of January 2023 Room 3001 Suzanne Bellue (University of Mannheim) "Why Don’t Poor Families Move? A Spatial Equilibrium Anaylsis of Parental Decisions with Social Learning" Abstract : ": In the United States, childhood neighborhood quality shapes adulthood economic opportunities. However, most children raised in […]

Linnea Lorentzen (BI Norwegian Business School) ” Domino Effects: Understanding Sectoral Reallocation and its Wage Implications “

The Macroeconomics Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 20th of January 2023 Room 3001 Linnea Lorentzen (BI Norwegian Business School) " Domino Effects: Understanding Sectoral Reallocation and its Wage Implications " Abstract : "How do sector-specific shocks induce workers to move between sectors, and what is the impact on the distribution of earnings? […]

Antoine CAMOUS (University of Mannheim) “Financial Stability and Financial Regulation under Diagnostic Expectations”

The Macro Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 13th of March 2023 Room 3001 Antoine CAMOUS (University of Mannheim) "Financial Stability and Financial Regulation under Diagnostic Expectations" Abstract : Swift changes in investors’ sentiment, such as the one triggered by COVID-19 global outbreak in March 2020, lead to financial tensions and asset price […]

Francisco RUGE-MURCIA (Mc Gill) “t.b.a.”

The Macro Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 02th of October 2023 Room 3001 Francisco RUGE-MURCIA (Mc Gill) "t.b.a." Abstract : t.b.a. Sponsors: Alessandro RIBONI (CREST)

Georgios ANGELIS (AMSE) “t.b.a.”

The Macro Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 09th of October 2023 Room 3001 Georgios ANGELIS (AMSE) "t.b.a." Abstract : t.b.a. Sponsors: Alessandro RIBONI (CREST)

WASMER Etienne (Sciences-Po)”t.b.a.”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 16 Octobre 2023 Salle 3001 WASMER Etienne (Sciences-Po)"t.b.a." Abstract:  Julien PRAT (CREST)

PAPPADA Francesco (PSE) “t.b.a.”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 06 Novembre 2023 Salle 3001 SAUMITRA Jha (Stanford GSB) "t.b.a." Abstract:  Alessandro RIBONI (CREST)