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Lutz Sager (Georgetown University ) – “Clean Identification? The Effects of the Clean Air Act on Air Pollution, Exposure Disparities and House Prices”

Applied Micro Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 09th of January Room : 3001 Lutz Sager (Georgetown University )  "Clean Identification? The Effects of the Clean Air Act on Air Pollution, Exposure Disparities and House Prices"   Abstract : We assess the US Clean Air Act standards for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Using […]

Anais Galdin (Princeton) “Resilience of Global Supply Chains and Generic Drug Shortages”

Applied  Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 10th of January Room : 3001 Anais Galdin (Princeton) "Resilience of Global Supply Chains and Generic Drug Shortages"   Abstract :This paper studies the lack of resilience of global pharmaceutical supply chains since 2009 and the extent to which the offshoring of manufacturing plants to South-East […]

Alexis DERUMIGNY (Delft University of Technology) “Fast estimation of Kendall’s Tau and conditional Kendall’s Tau matrices under structural assumptions”

Finance & Financial Econometrics :  Time: 11.00 am Date: 11th of January 2023 Room 3001 Alexis DERUMIGNY (Delft University of Technology) "Fast estimation of Kendall's Tau and conditional Kendall's Tau matrices under structural assumptions" Abstract : Kendall's tau and conditional Kendall's tau matrices are multivariate (conditional) dependence measures between the components of a random vector. […]

Yuki Tamura (NYU Abu Dhabi) “Obviously Strategy-proof Rules for Object Reallocation”

Micro Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 11th of January Room : 3001 Yuki Tamura (NYU Abu Dhabi) "Obviously Strategy-proof Rules for Object Reallocation”   Abstract : For object reallocation problems, Bade (2019) defines a rule, the “crawler”, and shows that on the domain of single-peaked preferences, this rule satisfies efficiency, the endowments […]

Sulagna Dasgupta (Chicago) “Screening Knowledge”

Micro Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 11th of January Room : 3001 Sulagna Dasgupta (Chicago) "Screening Knowledge”   Abstract :A principal (she) tests an agent’s (he) knowledge of a subject matter. She has preferences over his unobserved quality, which is correlated with his knowledge. Modeling knowledge as beliefs over an unknown state, […]

Gregorio Curello (Bonn) “The comparative statics of persuasion”

Micro Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 15th of January Room : 3001 Gregorio Curello (Bonn) "The comparative statics of persuasion"   Abstract : In the canonical persuasion model, comparative statics has been an open question. We answer it, delineating which shifts of the sender's interim payoff lead her optimally to choose a […]

Stefan Bucher (MPI Tübingen) “Algorithmic Choice Architecture for Boundedly Rational Consumers”

Micro Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 16th of January Room : 3001 Stefan Bucher (MPI Tübingen) "Algorithmic Choice Architecture for Boundedly Rational Consumers"   Abstract :Choice architecture and recommender systems both address information overload but have developed largely independently of each other and make strong assumptions about decision-makers’ unobserved preferences. In this […]

Alexander Haas (Oxford) “Monetary Policy in a Tightening Cycle”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 17 Janvier 2024 Salle 3001 Alexander Haas (Oxford) "Monetary Policy in a Tightening Cycle" Abstract: With inflation reaching levels not seen in more than thirty years, central banks in many advanced economies have embarked on a rapid tightening cycle over the past eighteen months. Interest rate […]

Ruixun Zhang (Peking University)”A Quantitative Approach to Optimal Impact Portfolios”

Quantitative Sustainable Economics and Finance Time: 11.00 am Date: 18th of January  2023 Room 2036 Ruixun Zhang (Peking University)"A Quantitative Approach to Optimal Impact Portfolios" Abstract : We develop a mathematical framework for constructing optimal impact portfolios and quantifying their financial performance by characterizing the returns of impact-ranked assets using induced order statistics and copulas. […]

Andrea Salvati (UCL) “Teacher Instruction, Classroom Composition, and Student Achievement”

Applied  Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 18th of January Room : 3001   Andrea Salvati (UCL) "Teacher Instruction, Classroom Composition, and Student Achievement" Abstract : This paper explores teachers’ instructional decisions and their implications for the distribution of student achievement. Canonical models of student performance often assume that teacher effectiveness is independent […]

Ihsaan Bassier (LSE) “Collective Bargaining and Spillovers in Local Labour Markets”

Applied Seminar  Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 22th of January Room : 3001   Ihsaan Bassier (LSE) "Collective Bargaining and Spillovers in Local Labour Markets" Abstract : How does collective bargaining affect the broader wage structure? How are such spillovers transmitted? In imperfectly competitive labour markets, a rise in wages in the covered […]

Eugène NDIAYE (Apple Research) “Finite Sample Confidence Sets with “Minimal” Assumptions on the Distribution”

Statistical Seminar: Every Monday at 2:00 pm. Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Date: 22th January 2024 Place: 3001   Eugène NDIAYE (Apple Research) "Finite Sample Confidence Sets with "Minimal" Assumptions on the Distribution"    Abstract: If you predict a label y of a new object with $hat{y}$, how confident are you that ”y = $hat{y}$”? The […]