Léa Pessin (ENSAE-CREST) – Racial-Ethnic Stratification in Work–Family Strategies among Black, Hispanic, and White Couples
Sociology seminar - Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Date: 25th January 2023 Place: room 3105 ZOOM : https://zoom.us/j/96820777040?pwd=OUgycU1NYmxWOEJCTk92OHpNTHc5dz09 Léa Pessin (ENSAE-CREST) - Racial-Ethnic Stratification in Work–Family Strategies among Black, Hispanic, and White Couples Abstract: This talk builds on work–family scholarship and intersectional frameworks to document racial-ethnic variation in couples’ work-family strategies, i.e., the […]