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Felix TROPF (University of Oxford) – "Using genetic data for social science research"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 14:00 am - 15:30 pm Date: 19th of June 2018 exceptionnaly  tuesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Felix TROPF (University of Oxford) - "Using genetic data for social science research" Abstract : With the advent of molecular genetic data and complementary analyses techniques, it becomes possible to integrate DNA into social science research […]

Felix TROPF (University of Oxford) – "Using genetic data for social science research"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 14:00 am - 15:30 pm Date: 19th of June 2018 exceptionnaly  tuesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Felix TROPF (University of Oxford) - "Using genetic data for social science research" Abstract : With the advent of molecular genetic data and complementary analyses techniques, it becomes possible to integrate DNA into social science research […]

Dingeman WIERTZ (University of Oxford) – "Civic Inequalities across the United States : Civic Deserts, Civic Hotspots, and Their Persistence over Time"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 21th of June 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Dingeman WIERTZ (University of Oxford) - "Civic Inequalities across the United States: Civic Deserts, Civic Hotspots, and Their Persistence over Time"   Abstract : Local areas vary significantly in their civic traditions (e.g., prevalence of volunteering, density of […]

Dingeman WIERTZ (University of Oxford) – "Civic Inequalities across the United States : Civic Deserts, Civic Hotspots, and Their Persistence over Time"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 21th of June 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Dingeman WIERTZ (University of Oxford) - "Civic Inequalities across the United States: Civic Deserts, Civic Hotspots, and Their Persistence over Time"   Abstract : Local areas vary significantly in their civic traditions (e.g., prevalence of volunteering, density of […]

Léa PESSIN (Pennsylvania State University) – "Race and class differences in linking women’s work and family lives across the life course – How gender, race and class shape the work and family trajectories of black, Latina, and white women from early adulthood to midlife"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 5th of July 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Léa PESSIN (Pennsylvania State University) - "Race and class differences in linking women’s work and family lives across the life course - How gender, race and class shape the work and family trajectories of black, Latina, and […]

Léa PESSIN (Pennsylvania State University) – "Race and class differences in linking women’s work and family lives across the life course – How gender, race and class shape the work and family trajectories of black, Latina, and white women from early adulthood to midlife"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 5th of July 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Léa PESSIN (Pennsylvania State University) - "Race and class differences in linking women’s work and family lives across the life course - How gender, race and class shape the work and family trajectories of black, Latina, and […]

Diederik BOERTIEN (Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona) – "Same-sex parent families and school progress of children:an association that disappeared over time"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 12th of July 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Diederik BOERTIEN (Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona) - "Same-sex parent families and school progress of children: an association that disappeared over time" Abstract : Previous research is divided as to whether children living in same-sex parent families achieve […]

Diederik BOERTIEN (Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona) – "Same-sex parent families and school progress of children:an association that disappeared over time"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 12th of July 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Diederik BOERTIEN (Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona) - "Same-sex parent families and school progress of children: an association that disappeared over time" Abstract : Previous research is divided as to whether children living in same-sex parent families achieve […]

Pierre MERCKLE (Université de Grenoble-Alpes) – "Mesurer, analyser (et corriger ?) les incohérences de réponses dans les enquêtes longitudinales"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 18th of October 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Pierre MERCKLE (Université de Grenoble-Alpes) - "Mesurer, analyser (et corriger ?) les incohérences de réponses dans les enquêtes longitudinales " Discutant : Arnaud Régnier-Loilier (INED) Abstract : On considère habituellement que les enquêtes longitudinales, au cours desquelles les enquêtés sont […]

Pierre MERCKLE (Université de Grenoble-Alpes) – "Mesurer, analyser (et corriger ?) les incohérences de réponses dans les enquêtes longitudinales"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 am - 13:15 pm Date: 18th of October 2018 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Pierre MERCKLE (Université de Grenoble-Alpes) - "Mesurer, analyser (et corriger ?) les incohérences de réponses dans les enquêtes longitudinales " Discutant : Arnaud Régnier-Loilier (INED) Abstract : On considère habituellement que les enquêtes longitudinales, au cours desquelles les enquêtés sont […]

Haley McAvay (Ined) – "Pathways out of the Parental Home: Contextual Determinants of Home-Leaving Patterns Across Second Generation Immigrant Origins in France"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm exceptionally Date: 7th of November 2018 exceptionally wednesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Haley McAvay (Ined) - "Pathways out of the Parental Home: Contextual Determinants of Home-Leaving Patterns Across Second Generation Immigrant Origins in France" Abstract : This paper uses the Echantillon démographique permanent, a large longitudinal data set from France, matched […]

Haley McAvay (Ined) – "Pathways out of the Parental Home: Contextual Determinants of Home-Leaving Patterns Across Second Generation Immigrant Origins in France"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm exceptionally Date: 7th of November 2018 exceptionally wednesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Haley McAvay (Ined) - "Pathways out of the Parental Home: Contextual Determinants of Home-Leaving Patterns Across Second Generation Immigrant Origins in France" Abstract : This paper uses the Echantillon démographique permanent, a large longitudinal data set from France, matched […]