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Ivan ERMAKOFF (Wisconsin University) – "Causality and History: Modes of Causal investigation"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 30th of January 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Ivan ERMAKOFF (Wisconsin University) - "Causality and History: Modes of Causal investigation" Abstract : Studies at the confluence of history and social science address issues of causation in three ways: morphological, variable-centered, and genetic. These approaches […]

Ivan ERMAKOFF (Wisconsin University) – "Causality and History: Modes of Causal investigation"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 30th of January 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Ivan ERMAKOFF (Wisconsin University) - "Causality and History: Modes of Causal investigation" Abstract : Studies at the confluence of history and social science address issues of causation in three ways: morphological, variable-centered, and genetic. These approaches […]

Torkyld LINGSTAD (University of Oslo) – "Social change, genetics and the gender revolution. Results from analyses of 26000 Norwegian twins born 1915-1991"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 6th of February 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Torkyld LINGSTAD (University of Oslo) - "Social change, genetics and the gender revolution. Results from analyses of 26000 Norwegian twins born 1915-1991" Abstract : The heritability of educational attainment varies with time and national context, and […]

Torkyld LINGSTAD (University of Oslo) – "Social change, genetics and the gender revolution. Results from analyses of 26000 Norwegian twins born 1915-1991"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 6th of February 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Torkyld LINGSTAD (University of Oslo) - "Social change, genetics and the gender revolution. Results from analyses of 26000 Norwegian twins born 1915-1991" Abstract : The heritability of educational attainment varies with time and national context, and […]

Jean-Philippe COINTET (Associate Professor, Médialab – Sciences Po Paris) – "The structure of the French media space and the challenge of yellow vests"

The Sociology Seminar: Exceptionally Wednesday 11:45-13:00 Time: 11:45 - 13:00 Date: 12th of February 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Jean-Philippe COINTET (Associate Professor, Médialab - Sciences Po Paris)"The structure of the French media space and the challenge of yellow vests" Abstract : I will start by outlining the results of an ongoing study we are […]

Jean-Philippe COINTET (Associate Professor, Médialab – Sciences Po Paris) – "The structure of the French media space and the challenge of yellow vests"

The Sociology Seminar: Exceptionally Wednesday 11:45-13:00 Time: 11:45 - 13:00 Date: 12th of February 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Jean-Philippe COINTET (Associate Professor, Médialab - Sciences Po Paris)"The structure of the French media space and the challenge of yellow vests" Abstract : I will start by outlining the results of an ongoing study we are […]

CANCELLED Anette FASANG (Humbolt-University Berlin) – "How do welfare states shape social inequality in work-family life courses ? "

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 5th of Mars 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Anette FASANG (Humbolt-University Berlin) - "How do welfare states shape social inequality in work-family life courses ?" Abstract : Life course experiences over extended periods of time are an important marker of social inequality. Looking back, […]

CANCELLED Anette FASANG (Humbolt-University Berlin) – "How do welfare states shape social inequality in work-family life courses ? "

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 5th of Mars 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Anette FASANG (Humbolt-University Berlin) - "How do welfare states shape social inequality in work-family life courses ?" Abstract : Life course experiences over extended periods of time are an important marker of social inequality. Looking back, […]

CANCELLED : Antonio CASILLI (Telecom Paris) et Paola TUBARO (CNRS, LRI, CMH) – "The social capital of platform workers: lessons from the DiPLab project"

The Sociology Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 11th of March 2020 Exceptionally Wednesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Antonio CASILLI (Telecom Paris) et Paola TUBARO (CNRS, LRI, CMH) "The social capital of platform workers: lessons from the DiPLab project" Abstract : Today’s smart solutions, computer vision technologies, and virtual assistants are predicated on the […]

CANCELLED : Antonio CASILLI (Telecom Paris) et Paola TUBARO (CNRS, LRI, CMH) – "The social capital of platform workers: lessons from the DiPLab project"

The Sociology Seminar: Time: 12:15 pm - 13:30 pm Date: 11th of March 2020 Exceptionally Wednesday Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Antonio CASILLI (Telecom Paris) et Paola TUBARO (CNRS, LRI, CMH) "The social capital of platform workers: lessons from the DiPLab project" Abstract : Today’s smart solutions, computer vision technologies, and virtual assistants are predicated on the […]

CANCELLED – Nicolo CAVALLI (Bocconi University – University of Oxford) – "TBA"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 25th of Mars 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Nicolo CAVALLI (Bocconi University - University of Oxford) - "TBA" Abstract : Organizers : Jeanne GANAULT, Céline GOFFETTE, Sébastien MICHIELS, Sander WAGNER (Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative – CREST) Sponsors : CREST

CANCELLED – Nicolo CAVALLI (Bocconi University – University of Oxford) – "TBA"

The Sociology Seminar: Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Date: 25th of Mars 2020 Place: Room 3105, ENSAE. Nicolo CAVALLI (Bocconi University - University of Oxford) - "TBA" Abstract : Organizers : Jeanne GANAULT, Céline GOFFETTE, Sébastien MICHIELS, Sander WAGNER (Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative – CREST) Sponsors : CREST