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ENSAI Economics Days

December 2023 Workshop on Heterogeneous Agent Models ENSAI, Rennes, December 7, 2023 The Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), together with the National School of Statistics and Information Analysis (ENSAI), and Rennes School of Business, is pleased to organize a workshop on heterogeneous agent models (the 31st ENSAI Economics Days) in Rennes, on […]

Massimiliano CAPORIN (Univ. Padova) “Exploiting Intraday Decompositions in Realized Volatility Forecasting: A Forecast Reconciliation Approach”

Finance & Financial Econometrics :  Time: 10.30 am Date: 07th of December 2023 Room 3001 Massimiliano CAPORIN (Univ. Padova) "Exploiting Intraday Decompositions in Realized Volatility Forecasting: A Forecast Reconciliation Approach" Abstract : We address the construction of Realized Variance (RV) forecasts by exploiting the hierarchical structure implicit in available decompositions of RV. We propose a […]

Weifeng JIN (Univ. of Barcelona ) “Estimation of Time Series Models Using the Empirical Distribution of Residuals”

Finance & Financial Econometrics :  Time: 11.30 am Date: 07th of December 2023 Room 3001 Weifeng JIN (Univ. of Barcelona ) "Estimation of Time Series Models Using the Empirical Distribution of Residuals" Abstract : Nonfundamental representations of univariate processes have been applied in the fields of Macroeconomics and Finance to describe nonlinear dynamics resulting from […]

Léa PESSIN (ENSAE-CREST) – Racial-Ethnic Stratification in Work–Family Strategies among Black, Hispanic, and White Couples

Sociology seminar - Thursdays Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm  Date: 7th December 2023 Place: room 3105 ZOOM  : Léa PESSIN (ENSAE-CREST) - Racial-Ethnic Stratification in Work–Family Strategies among Black, Hispanic, and White Couples   Abstract: This talk builds on work–family scholarship and intersectional frameworks to document racial-ethnic variation in couples’ work-family strategies, i.e., […]

Evolutionary Game Theory, Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics)

      SCHEDULE   Monday   7th December 2023 18th December 2023   From 13:00 to 16:00   Room 2033   Thursday   7th December 2023 14th December 2023   From 13:00 to 16:00   Room 2033 Aims and objectives The aim of this course is to introduce participants to concepts and results in […]

SAUMITRA Jha (Stanford GSB) “t.b.a.”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 11 Décembre 2023 Salle 3001 SAUMITRA Jha (Stanford GSB) "t.b.a." Abstract:  Alessandro RIBONI (CREST)

Yuanzhe Tang (CREST) “t.b.a.”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 11 Décembre 2023 Salle 3001 Yuanzhe Tang (CREST) "t.b.a." Abstract:  Grégory CORCOS (CREST)

Guillaume Pouliot (Harris School of Public Policy) – “t.b.a”

Paris Econometrics Seminar CREST - PSE - Sciences Po Time: 04:15 pm - 05:30 pm Date: 11th of  December Location: PSE   Guillaume Pouliot (Harris School of Public Policy) - Abstract :   Coauthored with   Organizers: Elia Lapenta - CREST/ENSAE Philipp Ketz - CNRS/PSE Clément de Chaisemartin – Sciences Po Sponsors: CREST

Frederick VAN DER PLOEG (University of Oxford) “Battle of the Markups : Conflict Inflation and the Aspirational Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission”

Quantitative Sustainable Economics and Finance  Time: 11.30 am Date: 21th of December 2023 Room 3001 Frederick VAN DER PLOEG (University of Oxford) "Battle of the Markups : Conflict Inflation and the Aspirational Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission" Abstract : After the post-Covid rise in inflation, a debate has emerged whether this inflation is "seller-driven" and, […]

Groupe de Travail Économie de la Fiscalité

December 22 • 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Organizer: Pierre BOYER The next Tax Economics WG will be held ? Friday 22 December ?️ 12h30-15h00 ? ISIT Paris, salle Europe, 39 rue d'Assas Registration:

Sampreet Goraya (Stockholm School of Economics) “Climate Change, Firms and Aggregate Productivity”

Macro seminar Time : 12h15 - 13h30 Date : 08 Janvier 2024 Salle 3001 Sampreet Goraya (Stockholm School of Economics) "Climate Change, Firms and Aggregate Productivity" Abstract:This paper presents a general equilibrium structural framework that separates the effects of temperature on firm-level demand, productivity, and input allocative efficiency to examine the aggregate productivity losses caused […]