CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-19
by Jean-Baptiste Michau
Inequality and Earnings Dynamics in France: National Policies and Local Consequences
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-18
by Francis Kramarz, Elio Nimier-David and Thomas Delemotte
The Dispersion of Mark-ups in an Open Economy
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-17
by Stéphane Auray and Aurélien Eyquem
Household Income, Liquidity, and Optimal Unemployment Insurance
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-16
by Stéphane Auray, David L. Fuller and Nicolas Lepage-Saucier
Trade Wars, Currency Wars
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-15
by Stéphane Auray, Michael B. Devereux and Aurélien Eyquem
The impact of common law on the volume of legal services: An international study
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-14
by Enzo Dia and Jacques Melitz
How Serious is the Measurement-Error Problem in Risk-Aversion Tasks?
CREST Working Papers Series No. 2021-13
by Fabien Perez and Guillaume Hollard and Radu Vranceanu