Awards 2017 – 2019

“Interplay of minimax estimation and minimax support recovery under sparsity” was selected as the Best Student Paper at ALT-2019

The paper “Interplay of minimax estimation and minimax support recovery under sparsity” by Mohamed Ndaoud, PhD candidate in Statistics at CREST, was selected as the Best Student Paper at The 30th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT-2019).

Médaille de bronze du CNRS 2019

Anna Simoni, Chercheuse en économie, a reçu la médaille de bronze du CNRS 2019 qui récompense le premier travail d’un chercheur ou enseignant-chercheur prometteur dans son domaine.

Xavier d’Haultfoeuille won the 2019 AFSE Malinvaud Prize

Xavier d’Haultfoeuille won the 2019 AFSE Malinvaud Prize. For is paper “Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences” published in the Review of Economic Studies (2018), co-authored with Clément de Chaisemartin.

Francis Kramarz Elected as Society of Labor Economists Fellow

Professor Francis Kramarz has been named a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE). The honorary title is given to those who have made “contributions of unusual distinction” to the field of labor economics.

Cristina Butucea selected as Institute of Mathematical Statistics Fellow

Professor Cristina Butucea has been selected as Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) Fellow. The title is fivent for her deep and original contributions to non-parametric statistics, inverse problems, and quantum statistics. For more information click here.


Arnaud Goussebaile awarded the Ernest Meyer Prize for his thesis

Ernst Meyer Prize awarded to Dr Arnaud Goussebaïle for doctoral thesis on Prevention and Insurance of Natural Disasters.


Sortie de l’ouvrage: Plus de marché pour plus d’Etat de Philippe Tibi et Francis Kramarz

Ouvrage nominé pour le Grand prix Turgot 2017, du meilleur livre d’économie financière.

Creating a sustainable global food supply chain: the WINnERS Project

The WINNERS project has developed a new technology based on large data sets, supercomputing, and satellite data that would quantify the risk of time variability and thus create a sustainable global food supply chain for decades to come.